“America first”, it’s true. But who is going to be second?

U.S. President Donald Trump’s “America First” motto has circled the globe and has generated a worldwide series of hilarious parody videos of countries pointing out all the good reasons why they should be second. They represent an ironic and self-mocking way countries describe themselves based on their stereotypes. This is the reason behind this little off-topic post.

Everything started with the video posted by The Netherlands mocking both the President’s slogan and their own country. In this video, The Netherlands brags about having “the best language” and claims: “We built an entire ocean, ok? An entire ocean between us and Mexico. Nobody builds oceans better than we do”.

This video became viral within hours, encouraging other countries to create their own.

Germany campaigns several good reasons to come second. “Oktoberfest”, “German beer pee” and Adolf Hitler: “Great leader, so smart. He made Germany great again. The media totally loved him, wrote only nice things about him, great guy, total winner!” Last but not least, Germany built a great wall and “made the Russians pay for it”:

Spain tries to persuade Trump by underlining: “We are not Mexicans. Even if they speak like us, we are not Mexicans”. Spain has a great history and had Francisco Franco, “a great guy with no complex at all and love for all the races and social groups”:

Italy also made its video to win Trump’s friendship with its history made of “dictatorship” and “war”. Italians claim: “We are the best hand-talkers of the whole world”, so if the President doesn’t understand them, they will use their hands. Furthermore, Italy is the best place to ask if you need a wall: “We have the best mafia in the world, organized, practic. We can build your wall in three days, and you’ll pay us in black, that’s so cheap!”:

These are only few examples, but many more are available, such as Australia, BrazilFinlandSwitzerland and Turkey.

Iran’s one is particularly fun because Iranians want to make sure that Trump doesn’t mix them up with Iraq and doesn’t attack them by mistake.

The parody video trend has gone beyond Earth’s borders, with Mars reminding Trump that due to the longer year he “can be President for way longer” there.

Even Westeros joined the competition!

It is indeed an original way to find out more about countries we don’t know that well and to learn about their stereotypes! 😉


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