
Archive | Translation

Alicante’s “First International Conference of Economic, Business, Financial and Institutional Translation”

Alicante economic translation

The University of Alicante hosted from 29th to 31st May (2014) the “First International Conference of Economic, Business, Financial and Institutional Translation“, which I had the pleasure to attend. You can see the programme here. I must admit the conference turned out to be far more academic and research-oriented than I might have thought, but still very interesting. In […]

Elena Fernández on the red carpet


Welcome everyone to the eighth episode of the translation & interpreting “red carpet” series, featuring remarkable guests of the industry who kindly accepted to share with us their views on some common points. After having Catherine Christaki, Xosé Castro, Lloyd Bingham, Scheherezade Suriá, Clara Guelbenzu, Valeria Aliperta and Marta Stelmaszak as special guests in the […]

Catherine Christaki on the red carpet (I)

Catherine Christaki

Welcome everyone to the seventh episode of the translation & interpreting “red carpet” series, featuring remarkable guests of the industry who kindly accepted to share with us their views on some common points. After having Xosé Castro, Scheherezade Surià,  Lloyd Bingham, Clara Guelbenzu, Valeria Aliperta and Marta Stelmaszak as special guests in the previous episodes, the […]

Xosé Castro on the red carpet (I)

Xosé Castro

Welcome everyone to the sixth episode of the translation & interpreting “red carpet” series, featuring remarkable guests of the industry who kindly accepted to share with us their views on some common points. After having Scheherezade Surià, Clara Guelbenzu, Valeria Aliperta and Marta Stelmaszak as special guests in the previous episodes, the red carpet guest of this […]

Lenguando (II)


Los lenguantes acabamos de despedirnos después del segundo y último día (30/03/2014) de Lenguando (“jornadas donde profesionales de la lengua encuentran recursos para su trabajo y comparten sus ideas”, según la propia definición del evento”). Los talleres en los que participé hoy fueron los siguientes (haz clic en el que te interese): Personalmente, salí encantadísima de estas […]

Lenguando (I)


Aquí va un resumen del primer día (29/03/2014) de Lenguando (“jornadas donde profesionales de la lengua encuentran recursos para su trabajo y comparten sus ideas”, según la propia definición del evento) dirigido tanto a los ‘lenguantes’ que estuvieron en otros talleres como a aquellos profesionales que desafortunadamente se lo perdieron. Yo asistí a los siguientes talleres […]

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