
Archive | Translation

Lloyd Bingham on the red carpet

Lloyd Bingham

Welcome everyone to the seventh episode of the translation & interpreting “red carpet” series, featuring remarkable guests of the industry who kindly accepted to share with us their views on some common points. After having Scheherezade Surià, Clara Guelbenzu, Valeria Aliperta and Marta Stelmaszak as special guests in the previous episodes, the red carpet guest of […]

Scheherezade Surià on the red carpet

Scheherezade Surià

Welcome everyone to the sixth episode of the translation & interpreting “red carpet” series, featuring remarkable guests of the industry who kindly accepted to share with us their views on some common points. After having Clara Guelbenzu, Valeria Aliperta and Marta Stelmaszak as special guests in the previous episodes, the red carpet guest of this week […]

Valeria Aliperta on the red carpet

Valeria Aliperta

Welcome everyone to the fourth episode of the translation & interpreting “red carpet” series, featuring remarkable guests of the industry who kindly accepted to share with us their views on some common points. After having Marta Stelmaszak in the third episode, the guest of this week is Valeria Aliperta, whom, again, you’ll be surely familiar […]

Marta Stelmaszak on the red carpet

Marta Stelmaszak

Welcome everyone to the third episode of the translation & interpreting “red carpet” series, featuring remarkable guests of the industry who kindly accepted to share with us their views on some common points. The guest of this week is nothing less than Marta Stelmaszak, whom you’ll surely know if you’re active in the translation and interpreting community. […]

How to find an in-house job?

in house translators

In the previous post, “How can freelancers find new clients?“, we saw that a great proportion of translation and interpreting professionals go freelance, constituting the fifth largest freelance group according to the International Freelancers Academy. Yet, freelancing can be seen by some as a leap into the unknown or even as a roller-coster if you don’t have […]

How can freelancers find new clients?

How freelancers can find new clients

According to the International Freelancers Academy, translators and interpreters are the fifth largest population of freelancers. Yet, besides being extremely rewarding, such a great entrepreneurship characterising our industry leads to a series of challenges. I would say that the very first challenge is how to find clients, especially in a period of economic downturn. This issue can […]

In cinese, “crisi = pericolo + opportunità”? NON è vero!

crisi pericolo opportunità cinese

Dal 2008 è molto probabile che la parola più utilizzata ogni giorno è “crisi”, carica di connotazioni negative che non fanno che ricordarci la difficile situazione che abbiamo davanti. Per lottare contro tale negativismo, negli ultimi anni si è diffuso esponenzialmente il concetto di crisi, come combinazione di “pericolo” e di “opportunità” (secondo i caratteri cinesi corrispondenti). […]

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